Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Day 7!!!

(Blog recorded 03.13.07 : 6:30pm Paris : 2:30pm US)

What a day, so much was done I don't know where to begin. First off last night was a blast. So much drama was going on and I love drama as long as I'm not involved. I got some good footage which you will see later. Pete also took him upon himself to chase me around bare assed. I'm sitting in the hall and he sees these two girls and says to them "want to see Oscar run like a little b*tch?". So he drops his pants and starts charging at me and I had to make a mad dash for my room, but I couldn't stop laughing. Well I was up at 10 to hit up Saint-Sulpice church @ 11:30. So far so good. Sara, Jenny, Lexi, Lucy, Valentina, Tyrone, Peter, Monique and I went to the church. What a sight, one of the scenes of the Da Vinci Code were filmed there. While walking to get lunch I found what is called "geo-cacheing". To make a long story short, theres an artist who puts little aliens (space invader out of tile) on buildings as his mark. . A lot of people don't know why or where they are, but I found one. I'm sooo cool LOL. Check out this site to see what I mean, . The rest of the group wanted lunch so Lucy, Peter, Valentina and I went shopping. I'm spending money like it's my job. Hey Mike Razz if you read this before I'm home I got you a baret. So after about an hour of shopping we met up w/ the rest of out group. Its more like a click lol. We headed to "LE CIMETIERE DU PERE LACHAISE". Easily said a cemetery and I know what your thinking. YES!!!! The cemetery w/ Jim Morrison's grave. I bought a map and we were on our way. The place is huge we must have walked at least a mile, but we found it. Words cannot explain how I felt. It was unreal. Jim was and still is such an icon. Normally graves are removed every 100 years or so, but Jim's and a few others such as Oscar Wilde, Frederic Chopin, the designer of the Louvre, Sarah Bernhardt still remain. We met up w/ John there to explore. We found a Morrison enthusiast named Raphael who told us he was a guide and brought us to the popular graves while telling us great stories of Jim. It was like he knew him or something. You can see everywhere we went after I finish my iStory movie. After the mini tour of the cemetery we journeyed back to the hotel. We finally got the hang of the metro system, but our French is still rusty. I grabbed a bite to eat and now I'm back in the room. We have a late dinner tonight at 8 to thank our guide Natalie. She was really great. After that I gotta pack up and maybe I'll grab a drink or two or three. I don't think the trip went fast at all because we got so much accomplished, but I don't want to leave. I will be coming back though, eventually. I dunno what time our flight is, but I'm sure I'll find out.

This will probably be the last blog I do on the trip, unless I do a follow up when I get home. I'm going to miss it so much, but all good things must come to an end. The end of one chapter is the beginning of another. This trip has made me think a lot about things going on at home. I'm coming home to problems, but thats life. Ups and downs. Take em or leave em. I feel I gained so much, mentally, with going on this trip. Its going to be nice to get home and see everyone.
:"What I get is never what I need":

Hope you enjoyed reading my blog!!!!